Someone asked me, "What attracted you to professional photography?"
And, well, I've always loved photography as a medium for art and storytelling. I love how it stirs emotion and creates connections. I have been photographing for as long as I can remember but became full time in January of 2021 after being laid off from my job of 8 years when I was 5 months pregnant. I knew I couldn't ever work for anyone else and that I wanted to help people and be creative. I loved photography but had no idea how to run a business so I sought a mentorship and community. Both of which I found studying under Sarah Petty. I have spent the last year and a half growing my business and myself.
I remember my first job at 15 was doing pony rides at county fairs during the summer and the very first thing I bought with the money I had earned was a little red Sony camera. I took that thing everywhere with me. I loved capturing candid moments, landscapes, macro studies, concerts (oh, especially concerts), and everything else I could think of. It was a way for me to slow the world down and really savor the details.
Then, we grow up and we lose loved ones and we just wish we had more time and those frozen moments are suddenly the most valuable thing we have. I knew I could help people have those memories to hold on to and to help them see themselves the way their loved ones do. I want to empower people, I want you to walk into your home and see the love that lives there. I want your grandkids to know what you looked like on your wedding day, when you were a senior in high school, when you were pregnant with their mom, and see her big goofy grin when she lost her front teeth. Your family deserves to see their stories.